After being introduced by Marcelyn Gow, Rachael McCall discusses her “Wildflowers”, “Three ways”, “Frayed” and “Pinched form” projects.
At 13:49, Natou Fall discusses the theme of perception, as engaged by her film “Ci Kanam”, and “Faciès” sculptures and “Acid teeth” earrings.
At 21:50. McCall discusses her digital ceramic projects, including “Gold leaf house” and a tableware – pourers and tray, lunchbox set, and tea set.
At 26:40 Fall screens scenes from her film “Making a scene” (2020) made with Zeina Koreitem, a line of chairs and tables, the music video “Higher love” with Alayna Davidson for Timmy Skelly. She concludes by inviting everyone to the opening of her visual studies seminar “Gist”.