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Josep Fuses (January 28, 1998)01:37:16

After being introduced by Neil Denari, Josep Fuses discusses the influence of Italo Calvino and Michelangelo Antonioni on his ideas. He discusses the issue of authenticity, showing images of factories, Belgian suburbs, and houses in South America. He discusses identity and difference, advocating an architecture rooted in truth. Fuses reflects on his work in terms of critical regionalism and postmodernism. He documents a series of projects he has completed, beginning with a competition for housing in Barcelona. He presents a project for a public park, explaining the goal of a flexible, communal space. A project for the Mediterranean coast was intended to delineate the border between public beaches and private houses. Fuses concludes with a discussion of his design principles, identifying a preference for simple construction techniques, and freedom from care and tradition.

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