Roger Sherman introduces Mark Rios as the speaker. Mark Rios describes four things that stressed at the office Rios Architects: multidisciplinary thinking, transforming ideas and briefs, avoiding a particular style, and an emphasis on the collaborative process.
Rios presents a series of childcare center projects that share the same program but have generated very different buildings. Rios discusses the emphasis on play and spatial experience in the designs as well as creating comfortable environments for the teachers and children, taking advantage of natural light, materials and layering of spaces.
Rios discusses a series of landscape design projects developed by his office, Rios Architects. He describes the landscaping in some of these projects as a device to “cleanse the palate” in order to be able to be experience the architecture and views of these locations. Rios treats water and plants as architectural elements by taking into consideration their fragrance, color and texture.
Rios presents a series of interior and furniture designs developed by his office, Rios Architects.