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Bella Lewitzky (March 9, 1988)01:24:07

Bella Lewitzky explains one aspect of her interest in architecture coming from her marriage to the architect Newell Taylor Reynolds. Lewitzky also discusses her interest in the Bauhaus and especially Oskar Schlemmer. She describes dance as communication, and identifies different types of dance. She stresses the role of Isadora Duncan as the revolutionary creator of modern dance. As Lewitzky talks about the topic of time, dancers from her company improvise demonstrations. The demonstrate duration, pulse, tempo and rhythm. To conclude the topic of time the dancers perform Lewitzky's newest dance, "Impressions No. 2 (Vincent van Gogh)". As Lewitzky talks about the topic of space, dancers from her company improvise demonstrations of rectilinear space, curvilinear floor and above floor patterns, and horizontal, vertical and diagonal planes. The dancers perform Lewitzky's dance “Changes and Choices." After the demonstrations and performances there is a 25-minute session of questions and answers.

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