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A. Quincy Jones (October 11, 1977)01:39:41

Note: This event did not take place at SCI-Arc, but LACMA.

Also: Slides are often hard to see in this video.

Bernard Zimmerman, David C. Martin, and Whitney Smith introduce A. Quincy Jones.

Jones's talk begins at 11:20. Jones argues that the current challenge for architects is to act as the lens to focus the collaborative efforts of all the specialists involved in building, to relate each piece to the whole, within a framework for change and choices.

At 44:20, Jones begins to discuss several projects, including:
•Residential subdivisions for Joseph Eichler, with Frederick E. Emmons (1951-1964)
•Case Study House #24, Chatsworth (1961), with Frederick E. Emmons
•A feasibility study for rehabilitation of the Hough district in Cleveland for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (1966-7)
•The Barn (1950), Jones’s home/office
•Research and design investigations for the Palo Alto Medical Research Foundation (1965-1971), rethinking health facility design in terms of circulation, flexibility, HVAC, patient rooms, furnishings, etc.
•Graduate research library, University of Hawaii, Honolulu (1968)

At 1:13:25, Jones begins discusses in detail the Herman Miller factory, administration and warehouse campus in Zeeland, Michigan (1971-1975). Jones reviews in detail the program, functions, design process and module system used in the plant. He stresses circulation in terms of a spine and a catwalk.

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