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Utah St. Elementary School (October 9, 1992) / SCI-Arc Alumni event (November 29, 1995)01:19:47

This video contains two different events.

The students of Steve Brown’s fourth grade class from Utah St. Elementary School are each given a plot from an imaginary city model to develop as they wish. With the assistance of SCI-Arc students and faculty, they make lists of what they do and do not want in their city as guides for designing. At a certain point they put all of the pieces together and decide what more needs to be done. When the project is complete each student presents and explains their piece.

Beginning at 9:07, Michael Rotondi speaks through video projection at a SCI-Arc alumni event to support the Kappe Library. Rotondi speaks about the history and future of SCI-Arc. He urges the alumni to become involved in the school.

Following Rotondi, Glen Small reminds everyone how Michael fired him and owes him money. He remembers SCI-Arc as a place that challenged students to dream without limitations.

Ray and Shelly Kappe thank everyone involved in putting on this fundraiser for the Kappe Library at SCI-Arc. Before beginning, Ray mentions John Hohansen, and David Lafaille, a board member who was key in getting the building lease and the school’s accreditation. Ray then talks about how SCI-Arc started, including why he left Cal Poly Pomona, and how the early school was open to all possibilities.

Kappe then introduces a slide presentation by Jerry Compton and Tony Spencer, his former students and talks about when they built a pyramid on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. in 1976. The slide presentation starts with audio from meetings from Ray Kappe’s last days at Cal Poly, and continues with photos show the founding and early classes and projects at SCI-Arc.

Jerry Compton and Tony Spencer recreate the slide and music multimedia presentation they created to promote SCI-Arc. They presented it 1972-3 at many architecture schools around the country. The presentation includes scenes of the SCI-Arc community, student work and events in the development of the school.

Compton talks about the importance of Ray and Shelly Kappe in starting SCI-Arc, while Tony Spencer begins to talk about the pyramid he and other SCI-Arc students built in Washington, D.C. in 1976, as part of the AIA Convention. Jerry remembers how the pyramid project got him elected as the student AIA president while Tony remembers their rhombic dodecahedron and the feeling that they could do whatever they wanted as students. Terry Rainey also speaks about being a student in the early years of the school.

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